Netball Orkney
Contact Us
If you need to contact us, please note our new email addresses below which will ensure your enquiry is directed to the relevant person.
Bookings (enquiries or amendments) -
Seniors / Senior League -
Juniors / Junior League -
Primary -
Chair -
Junior Treasurer -
Senior Treasurer -
General enquiries -
Fundraising -
Welfare Protection Officer -
Or find us on Facebook @netballorkney
The Committee & Volunteers
The running of our organisation is solely dependent on our brilliant volunteers - if you would be interested in volunteering to assist with anything, however small, please get in touch - many hands make light work! We have lots of small roles which don't require you being committed to the committee, just assisting.
Our committee Office Bearers are as follows:
Chair - Erica Tait
Vice Chair - Jaimie Cooper
Secretary - Julie Munro
Minute Secretary - Claire Coyle
Bookings Secretary - Claire Woolley
Senior Treasurer - Emily Littlejohn
Junior Treasurer - Paul Drever
Child Protection Officer - Kirsty Macleod
Additional Committee Members:
Vanessa Baikie
Jodie Brown
Bev Flett
Catherine Johnston
Cheryl Kelday
Caroline Kent
Rachel Mills
Leah Thomson
Christine Tulloch
League Co-Ordinator's:
Senior League Coordinator - Chery Kelday
Primary League Coordinators - Rachel Mills
Junior League Coordinator - Sarah Finn
If you are interested in joining the committee or to volunteer to coach, organise or simply drive a minibus for away trips - whether you are a player, parent or just interested in the sport - please get in touch.